Parking Citation Appeal

This form must be submitted to the Department of Public Safety within ten (10) calendar days of the issuance of the citation. Only three types of appeals will be considered: an appeal based on unclear regulations; an appeal based on unclear parking lot lines or curb paint; and /or an appeal based upon circumstances that made the violation necessary and unavoidable. The following reasons will not be accepted for an appeal: ignorance of the regulations, lack of parking spaces in a preferred location, and / or you were late for class or meeting.

Please fill out the form completely and attach your copy of the citation. If costs are incurred by the appellate during the appeal process, the costs are not reimbursable by the Department of Public Safety or the University of Redlands. You will be notified of the Supervising Sergeant's decision within 30 days of the date the appeal is received. 

If you decide to pay the citation, it can be paid with exact cash or by check at the Public Safety Office.  You can also request for the amount to be billed to your student account.  


Submitter Information

Are you a University of Redlands Student, Faculty, or Staff?

Vehicle Information

Citation Information


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